Proyecto Hail Mary

Elektroninė knyga

español kalba

Publikuota 2021 m. gegužės 1 d., NOVA.

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UN ÚNICO ASTRONAUTA. UNA MISIÓN IMPOSIBLE. UN ALIADO QUE JAMÁS HABRÍA IMAGINADO. Ryland Grace es el único superviviente en una misión desesperada. Es la última oportunidad y, si fracasa, la humanidad y la Tierra misma perecerán. Claro que, de momento, él no lo sabe. Ni siquiera puede recordar su propio nombre, y mucho menos la naturaleza de su misión o cómo llevarla a cabo. Lo único que sabe es que ha estado en coma inducido durante mucho mucho tiempo. Acaba de despertar y se encuentra a millones de kilómetros de su hogar, sin más compañía que la de dos cadáveres. Muertos sus compañeros de tripulación, y a medida que va recuperando confusamente los recuerdos, Grace se da cuenta de que se enfrenta a una misión imposible. Recorriendo el espacio en una pequeña nave, depende de él acabar con una amenaza de extinción para nuestra especie. Sin apenas tiempo y con …

6 leidimai

Nice story about sciencing and engineering you way out of problems.

5 žvaigždutės

A fascinating book that, like "The Martian", contains a few specific 'hand wavy' parts, but for the rest, strictly follows the rules of physics as we know it, and features a protagonist (or two) that can science (and engineer) the heck out of things to solve problems.

The book starts with Ryland Grace waking up on a spaceship with no memory of how he got there, along with fellow dead crew members. As he explores the ship and his memory of recent events starts to return, we learn that Earth is in trouble. A lifeform that is literally breeding on the energy of the sun has been discovered. As it multiplies (exponential growth), the sun gets dimmer, with catastrophic consequences for the Earth. Ryland learns that other nearby stars are also dimming, except for one: Tau Ceti. And he's on a mission to that star to discover why it's not …

The Martian 2.0

5 žvaigždutės

While there are some new developments in this one, it very much feels like another 'The Martian' with a slightly different story. The protagonist is almost the same exact character and a bunch of the other elements feel very similar. I'm still happy with this book, because the elements that are new, are wonderful.

The 'The Martian formula' made some plot points a bit predictable, but I think he did a very good job on this one. This may seem like I'm bashing the book, it's still a fantastic read. I hope he is not sticking too much to his formula in the future, because it was noticeable, though this was still an absolutely worthwhile story to jump into. Please don't stop writing.

Review of 'Project Hail Mary' on 'Goodreads'

4 žvaigždutės

The plot twist around Ryland's amnesia is great!
"Space amoeba" story done right.
Relationship between Ryland and Rocky is endearing.
Audiobook elevates the whole experience.

Protagonist with amnesia trope has been done before.
Rocky has interesting alien physiology & boring human psychology.
* Earthbound story-line and characters seem childish & oversimplified compared to science in space sequences.

Pure entertainment

5 žvaigždutės

I think this will be the book I recommend the most this year. It is entertaining from beginning to end. If you like sci-fi or space stories, read it. If you don't, read it anyway because you will laugh. It is very rare that I tear through a book in the span of a day, but, and I apologise for the cliché, I could not put this book down.

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  • hard science-fiction
  • science-fiction
  • sci-fi
  • hard sci-fi
  • nyt:hardcover-fiction=2021-05-23
  • New York Times bestseller
  • New York Times reviewed
  • Fiction, science fiction, action & adventure
  • Fiction, science fiction, hard science fiction
