
prélude à une déclaration des devoirs envers lʼêtre humain.

Nėra viršelio

Simone Weil: Lʼenracinement (French language, 1949, Gallimard)

256 psl.

French kalba

Publikuota 1949 m. birželio 11 d., Gallimard.

Žiūrėti „OpenLibrary“

4 žvaigždutės (1 atsiliepimas)

20 leidimai

Making Contact with a Great Soul

4 žvaigždutės

In the introduction to this book, TS Eliot writes: "I cannot conceive of anybody’s agreeing with all of her views, or of not disagreeing violently with some of them. But agreement and rejection are secondary: what matters is to make contact with a great soul." This, to me, summarises The Need for Roots well. This book is less about what is written and more about the framing of moral, social and political philosophy that Weil offers.

Written in 1943 and published just after WWII, this book was commissioned to understand why France capitulated so easily at the beginning of the war. It offers that and much more. Part 1: "The Needs of the Soul" is strong by itself. It is a treatise on how "rootedness" is necessary for people to be connected to place. The ideas predate many sociological ideas about place that were later taken on by pheonomenological philosophers …


  • Social ethics.
  • Social psychology.