Knyga minkštais viršeliais, 36 psl.
English kalba
Publikuota 2020 m. kovo 17 d., Independently Published.
Knyga minkštais viršeliais, 36 psl.
English kalba
Publikuota 2020 m. kovo 17 d., Independently Published.
“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.”
In the book The Principles of Communism (1847), Friedrich Engels lays out the core ideas and principles of the communist ideology. The book is structured as catechism, containing 25 questions and answers which explain the class struggle, historical materialism and proletarian revolution in Marxism.
This Graphyco edition includes historical and biographical footnotes and a study guide. Those notes have the goal to make the book easier to understand.
Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) was a German philosopher and communist born in Barmen, Kingdom of Prussia. He developed the Marxist theory together with Karl Marxin 1845 and published “The Condition of the Working Class in England”. In 1848 Engels co-authored “The Communist Manifesto” with Karl Marx and also co-authored many other works.