Ian Sudderth apžvelgė autoriaus John Scalzi knygą The Consuming Fire (The Interdependency, #2)
Just a ton of fun
4 žvaigždutės
Great plot, great world, amazing characters, so fun and funny
John Scalzi: Consuming Fire (2018, Pan Macmillan)
336 psl.
English kalba
Publikuota 2018 m. balandžio 4 d., Pan Macmillan.
Great plot, great world, amazing characters, so fun and funny
Įspėjimas dėl turinio ending metaspoilers
The way everything wraps up so neatly, while extremely satisfying, also puts a big dent in suspension of disbelief
This is very much just one part of a three-part novel, which I find difficult to review in isolation. Because this site works best when people review the things they read, however, I will be adding the same review to all volumes.
John Scalzi is a nice guy writing nice SF novels.
You could almost leave it at that, really. For the sake of context, I will add a few more details to this assessment. This, like all of his novels I have read, is smoothly plotted and written, entirely unsurprising in its cliffhangers and ultimate resolution, and contains exactly one original idea. This being said, it’s an entertaining read if, at times, a bit too glib to my taste (I don’t think Scalzi has ever seen a witty repartee he didn’t like). If what you want from your SF is what I just described, you could do a lot …
This is very much just one part of a three-part novel, which I find difficult to review in isolation. Because this site works best when people review the things they read, however, I will be adding the same review to all volumes.
John Scalzi is a nice guy writing nice SF novels.
You could almost leave it at that, really. For the sake of context, I will add a few more details to this assessment. This, like all of his novels I have read, is smoothly plotted and written, entirely unsurprising in its cliffhangers and ultimate resolution, and contains exactly one original idea. This being said, it’s an entertaining read if, at times, a bit too glib to my taste (I don’t think Scalzi has ever seen a witty repartee he didn’t like). If what you want from your SF is what I just described, you could do a lot worse than the Interdependency series.