El Talisman


Spanish kalba

Publikuota 2001 m. lapkričio 10 d., Ballantine Books.

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3 žvaigždutės (1 atsiliepimas)

On a brisk autumn day, a thirteen-year-old boy stands on the shores of the gray Atlantic, near a silent amusement park and a fading ocean resort called the Alhambra. The past has driven Jack Sawyer here: his father is gone, his mother is dying, and the world no longer makes sense. But for Jack everything is about to change. For he has been chosen to make a journey back across America--and into another realm.One of the most influential and heralded works of fantasy ever written, The Talisman is an extraordinary novel of loyalty, awakening, terror, and mystery. Jack Sawyer, on a desperate quest to save his mother's life, must search for a prize across an epic landscape of innocents and monsters, of incredible dangers and even more incredible truths. The prize is essential, but the journey means even more. Let the quest begin. . . .Features a preview of Stephen …

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apžvelgė autoriaus Stephen King knygą The Talisman (The Talisman, #1)

Review of 'The Talisman' on Goodreads

3 žvaigždutės

This book was interesting to read from a historical perspective, because of the trajectory of both King and Straub's careers. In some ways, it feels like a trial run for both Straub's Shadowland and King's It (both of which would come out only a few years later); in other ways, it shares elements from The Stand and Ghost Story that otherwise don't show up much in these authors' respective ouvres. So, it's kind of a missing-link book.

It's also a historically important book, because (as Matthew Kirschenbaum notes in Track Changes, his cultural history of word processing) it is the first published book to be collaborated upon electronically. King and Straub were both early adopters of consumer word processing technology, and though they used different types of machines, they had a highly technical friend set up modems and a format converter and they swapped revisions once a day over the …