So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

mass market paperback

English kalba

Publikuota 1991 m. gegužės 31 d., Pocket.

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4 žvaigždutės (1 atsiliepimas)

Arthur Dent is out of his bathrobe, in love, and wondering why the dolphins said...

So long and thanks for all the fish

Was the earth really demolished? Why did all the dolphins disappear? What is God's final message to His creatures? Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, and the new volvold gang are off (by commercial airline) on a wacked-out quest to answer these truly unimportant questions.

(back cover)

41 leidimas

Review of 'So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish' on 'Goodreads'

4 žvaigždutės

I did feel, with Life, the Universe and Everything, that the series was starting to lose it's way somewhat. With this book, though, Adams gets solidly back on track.

It's very different to what has gone before, and this is very much to the book's advantage. Arthur is more of a character this time around and there's visible plot.

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish is still very much a Hitchhiker's book, but it also demonstrates the value in a series taking the occasional left turn.


  • Science Fiction - Adventure
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - Science Fiction
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
  • Science Fiction
  • Science Fiction - General