apžvelgė autoriaus George R. R. Martin knygą Nightflyers
Short story but awesome
5 žvaigždutės
Short story, really liked it
George R. R. Martin: Nightflyers Mtiexport (2018, Penguin Random House USA Ex)
English kalba
Publikuota 2018 m. rugpjūčio 28 d., Penguin Random House USA Ex.
The crew of the starship Nightflyer is heading into the outer reaches of known space in search of a legendary alien race known as the volcryn. The mission is led by Karoly d'Branin and the ship captained by the mysterious Royd Eris, who appears only as a hologram who drifts among them, sometimes playing chess with the beautiful and brilliant warrior, Melantha Jhirl. Soon the explorers begin to feel they are being watched. Macabre accidents befall them one by one. Is there someone else on board? Royd won't say. And there is no turning back: the volcryn are near...
Short story, really liked it