Vernunft und Revolution

Hegel und die Entstehung der Gesellschaftstheorie.

Nėra viršelio

Herbert Marcuse: Vernunft und Revolution (German language, 1972, Luchterhand)

German kalba

Publikuota 1972 m. rugpjūčio 18 d., Luchterhand.

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Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory (1941; second edition 1954) is a book by the philosopher Herbert Marcuse, in which the author discusses the social theories of the philosophers Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx. Marcuse reinterprets Hegel, with the aim of demonstrating that Hegel's basic concepts are hostile to the tendencies that led to fascism.

The book has received praise as an important discussion of Hegel and Marx.

(Source: Wikipedia)

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