Zhi suo you shi qu de sheng yin =

The hate u give

Nėra viršelio

Angie Thomas: Zhi suo you shi qu de sheng yin = (Chinese language, 2017, Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si Taiwan fen gong si)

447 psl.

Chinese kalba

Publikuota 2017 m. rugpjūčio 7 d., Gao bao guo ji you xian gong si Taiwan fen gong si.

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5 žvaigždutės (2 atsiliepimai)

"在粉飾的平等之下, 有多少無辜性命默默消逝? 譁然之後, 又有多少人能夠真正獲得正義? 那天晚上, 警察攔下他們的車, 在星兒面前射殺了手無寸鐵的柯立歐. 槍擊案件登上新聞, 媒體和檢方審判的卻是死去的十六歲男孩. 流氓, 毒販, 死有餘辜. 只因為他們是黑人, 就被社會視為潛在罪犯. 在調查期間, 星兒一家不僅受到警方壓迫, 當地黑幫更送來死亡威脅. 她還沒有時間走出傷痛, 令人窒息的恐懼及憤怒便籠罩她的生活. 她受夠了, 他們全都受夠了. 為了自己, 為了柯立歐, 為了所有在不公不義之下犧牲的生命, 星兒決定用盡全力反擊-- 這一次, 她要挺身而出, 為自己發聲!"-- publisher's description.

41 leidimas

Review of 'The Hate U Give' on 'Goodreads'

5 žvaigždutės

Absolutely outstanding book.

16-year old Starr Carter is a black teenager who goes to a white school. One night she is witness to a cop killing her friend Khalil for no reason, and this event changes her whole life.

Absolutely engaging cast of characters, told in a gripping way, wish every teenager read this book. Or anyone really.

I don't have the words to praise this book enough.

Review of 'The Hate U Give' on 'Goodreads'

5 žvaigždutės

Absolutely outstanding book.

16-year old Starr Carter is a black teenager who goes to a white school. One night she is witness to a cop killing her friend Khalil for no reason, and this event changes her whole life.

Absolutely engaging cast of characters, told in a gripping way, wish every teenager read this book. Or anyone really.

I don't have the words to praise this book enough.


  • Race relations
  • Police-community relations
  • African Americans
  • Juvenile fiction
  • Racism
  • Fiction
  • Witnesses
  • Police shootings