El odio que das

Nėra viršelio

Angie Thomas: El odio que das (Spanish language, 2017)

438 psl.

Spanish kalba

Publikuota 2017 m. rugpjūčio 7 d.

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5 žvaigždutės (2 atsiliepimai)

"Starr es una chica de dieciséis años que vive entre dos mundos: el barrio pobre de gente negra donde nació, y su escuela situada en un elegante barrio residencial blanco. El difícil equilibrio entre ambos se hace añicos cuando ella es testigo de la muerte a tiros de su mejor amigo, Khalil, a manos de un policía. A partir de ese momento, todo lo que Starr diga acerca de la aterradora noche que cambió su vida podrá ser usado de excusa por unos y como arma por otros. Y lo peor de todo es que, tanto los de un lado como los de otro, la tienen en el punto de mira y amenazan con poner en riesgo su vida."--Oceanotravesia.mx.

Sixteen-year-old Starr Carter moves between two worlds: the poor neighborhood where she lives and the fancy suburban prep school she attends. The uneasy balance between these worlds is shattered when Starr …

41 leidimas

Review of 'The Hate U Give' on 'Goodreads'

5 žvaigždutės

Absolutely outstanding book.

16-year old Starr Carter is a black teenager who goes to a white school. One night she is witness to a cop killing her friend Khalil for no reason, and this event changes her whole life.

Absolutely engaging cast of characters, told in a gripping way, wish every teenager read this book. Or anyone really.

I don't have the words to praise this book enough.

Review of 'The Hate U Give' on 'Goodreads'

5 žvaigždutės

Absolutely outstanding book.

16-year old Starr Carter is a black teenager who goes to a white school. One night she is witness to a cop killing her friend Khalil for no reason, and this event changes her whole life.

Absolutely engaging cast of characters, told in a gripping way, wish every teenager read this book. Or anyone really.

I don't have the words to praise this book enough.


  • Race relations
  • Testigos
  • Police-community relations
  • African Americans
  • Spanish language materials
  • Relaciones raciales
  • Ficcion juvenil
  • Witnesses
  • Fiction.Juvenile fiction
  • Afronorteamericanos
  • Policía
  • Fiction
  • Police shootings
  • Juvenile fiction