Looking for Group

Nėra viršelio

Alexis Hall: Looking for Group (2016, Riptide Publishing)

English kalba

Publikuota 2016 m. lapkričio 5 d., Riptide Publishing.

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5 žvaigždutės (1 atsiliepimas)

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Review of 'Looking For Group' on 'Goodreads'

5 žvaigždutės

tl;dr: great book, highly recommend, delightfully nerdy

LFG centers on two college students who meet while playing “Heroes of Legend”, a thinly-veiled stand-in for World of Warcraft. Much of the story takes place while the protagonist plays HoL, so you hear a lot about the game and detailed play-by-plays of dungeons and raids and the occasional grinding or touring the world.

The sum of my WoW-playing experience is “for three hours on one evening, using a free account.” Despite this, I have significant WoW-adjacent experience: my partner played on and off for several years, including as a member of a raiding guild. Many of my other friends have also played a lot of WoW. And I’ve played various other MMORPGs. Anyway, I found the descriptions of raids, dungeons, tactics, strategies, etc. all intelligible and easy to follow. The end of the book also has a glossary of gaming terms, for …


  • Fiction, lgbtq+, gay