The Chrysalids (S.F. Masterworks)

Published March 19, 2001 by Gateway.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

This book is about a post apocalyptic world returned back to the times of the horse and carriage seen through the eyes of a young boy. Deviations are punished or destroyed and what few books remained govern the way people think about change and the differences from the norm. The twists and turns in this rather short book as bought me back to it many times over the years, which is very unusual for me. It would make a great Spielberg movie with the authors descriptions of the scarred landscape and the characters being fantastic. you could really picture the trials and tribulations of these people. When the young boy David finds his closest friend has a sixth toe on each foot and is asked to keep it a secret from his god fearing tyrant of a father, he comes to question his own secrets and what would happen to …

27 editions

Essential post-apocalypse science fiction

5 stars

"The Chrysalids" is one of my favourite novels and it stands up well on each re-reading. The heart of it is the religious zealots who insist on genetic purity. Their leaders make compelling villains, analogous to the religious authoritarians we still have today. Shockingly they are in the ascendancy in some political settings as I write, ensuring the ongoing currency of "The Chrysalids".

Wyndham's deliberate move away from the action-packed sci-fi of his pulp days led him to more contemplative narrative styles, often relating events through second hand accounts by lesser characters (especially in "The Kraken Wakes"). Here he puts his protagonist at the heart of the action, making it a thrilling read, but never diluting the novel's themes. The telepathic link between the characters takes the internal narrative to a higher level, culminating in what amounts to a description of the erotic intensity of telepathic sex. Wyndham's biographer Amy …

Classic post-apocalyptic novel.

4 stars

John Wyndham writes of a world where the only knowledge of the world past is from books, but those books are the Bible. This creates an interesting and strange world where religiosity is prominent everywhere from Government to how farming is done. It is a pleasant and interesting read and makes you wonder what the world would be like if we were this religious (esp. in Government).