Hideo Kojima's List of Recommended Books from "The Creative Gene" Viešas

Sukūrė Babel Molotov

  1. Inherit the Stars  (Giants, #01)

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    The man on the moon was dead. They called him Charlie. He had big eyes, abundant body hair and fairly …

  2. Kinshu 

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  3. The Moon over the Mountain

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    Ancient China is illustriously brought to life in these folk tales, legends, and stories of historical figures that routinely rank …

  4. オルゴォル

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  5. Satori 

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    It is the fall of 1951, and the Korean War is raging. Twenty-six-year-old Nicholai Hel has spent the last three …

  6. Coin Locker Babies 

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  7. メタルギアソリッド  (Metal Gear Solid, #03)

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