2021 favorites Viešas
Sukūrė Llaverac
Braiding Sweetgrass Robin Wall Kimmerer
5 žvaigždutės
Updated with a new introduction from Robin Wall Kimmerer, the special edition of Braiding Sweetgrass, reissued in honor of the …
Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) Octavia E. Butler
4 žvaigždutės
Lilith Iyapo has just lost her husband and son when atomic fire consumes Earth—the last stage of the planet’s final …
The Body Keeps the Score Bessel van der Kolk
5 žvaigždutės
Trauma is a fact of life. Veterans and their families deal with the painful aftermath of combat; one in five …
Lo-TEK Design by Radical Indigenism Julia Watson
In an era of high-tech and climate extremes, we are drowning in information while starving for wisdom. Enter Lo—TEK, a …
Adulthood Rites Octavia E. Butler (Lilith's Brood, #2)
4 žvaigždutės
The second book in the Lilith's Brood trilogy, this story takes place years after the arrival of Oankali aliens in …
Imago Octavia E. Butler (Lilith's Brood, #3)
4 žvaigždutės
Child of two species, but part of neither, a new being must find his way. Human and Oankali have been …
A better way to combat knee-jerk biases and make smarter decisions, from Julia Galef, the acclaimed expert on rational decision-making. …
4 žvaigždutės
In a world where addictive technology is designed to buy and sell our attention, and our value is determined by …
Children of Time Adrian Tchaikovsky (Children of Time, #1)
5 žvaigždutės
The last remnants of the human race left a dying Earth, desperate to find a new home. Following their ancestor's …
A Psalm for the Wild-Built Becky Chambers (Monk and Robot, #1)
5 žvaigždutės
It’s been centuries since the robots of Panga gained self-awareness and laid down their tools; centuries since they wandered, en …
Croc and Roll Hamish Steele, George Williams, Ayoola Solarin
5 žvaigždutės
Croc and Roll is a graphic novel about music, love and gators! Mayday Mendez has hit rock bottom. But when …