Política Viešas

Sukūrė Jectoons

Explorando qué demonios creo.

  1. The Government of No One 

    4 žvaigždutės

    A magisterial study of the history and theory of one of the most controversial political movements Anarchism routinely gets a …

  2. Cannibal Capitalism 

    5 žvaigždutės

    A trenchant look at contemporary capitalism’s insatiable appetite—and a rallying cry for everyone who wants to stop it from devouring …

  3. How to Be an Anticapitalist in the Twenty-First Century 

    4 žvaigždutės

    What is wrong with capitalism, and how can we change it?

    Capitalism has transformed the world and increased our productivity, …

  4. Debt: The First 5,000 Years 

    4 žvaigždutės

    The author shows that before there was money, there was debt. For 5,000 years humans have lived in societies divided …

  5. The Telekommunist Manifesto  (Network Notebook -- 3)

    3 žvaigždutės

    About the publication: In the age of international telecommunications, global migration and the emergence of the information economy, how can …

  6. The idea of socialism 

    4 žvaigždutės

    The idea of socialism has given normative grounding and orientation to the outrage over capitalism for more than 150 years, …

  7. Shock Doctrine 

    4 žvaigždutės

    An introduction to "disaster capitalism" argues that the global free market has exploited crises, violence, and shock in the past …

  8. The Anarchist Cookbook ,

    Įvertinimų nėra

    For decades, anarchists have talked about publishing a real anarchist cookbook, a book by anarchists and whose contents accurately reflect …

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