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Publikuota 2020 m. balandžio 7 d., Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

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Žiūrėti „OpenLibrary“

5 žvaigždutės (17 atsiliepimai)

Piranesi's house is no ordinary building; its rooms are infinite, its corridors endless, its walls are lined with thousands upon thousands of statues, each one different from all the others. Within the labyrinth of halls an ocean is imprisoned; waves thunder up staircases, rooms are flooded in an instant. But Piranesi is not afraid; he understands the tides as he understands the pattern of the labyrinth itself. He lives to explore the house.

There is one other person in the house--a man called The Other, who visits Piranesi twice a week and asks for help with research into A Great and Secret Knowledge. But as Piranesi explores, evidence emerges of another person, and a terrible truth begins to unravel, revealing a world beyond the one Piranesi has always known.

For readers of Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane and fans of Madeline Miller's Circe, Piranesi introduces …

6 leidimai

Mysterious and beautiful

5 žvaigždutės

I loved the world in which this story is set. An infinite labyrinth of statues and sea, occupied by characters that I wanted deeply to know more about.

You follow the story through the journal of the point of view character. The best parts of the story are, to me, when the writer's and the reader's understanding of events diverge. It felt like a Hitchcock movie, where I, with full access to the main character's thoughts, started coming to different interpretations of information they've received - and what I knew compelled me to keep reading in hopes that the main character would catch up. I also appreciated the themes of the story: kindness, interaction with place, memory, ambition.

Une magnifique surprise

5 žvaigždutės

J'ai tout simplement adoré ! J'étais dans le palais de Piranèse, je voyais les statues, j'entendais la mer, quelle expérience à la fois sereine et perturbante ! J'ai été conquise du début à la fin. L'écriture, le ton, les rebondissement, j'ai tout adoré ! Du réalisme magique comme je l'aime et la fin ne m'a pas déçue. Je recommande ce livre à toutes les personnes friandes d'une expérience hors du commun et de hauteur sous le plafond.

Well Worth Waiting For

5 žvaigždutės

I've been excited by Susanna Clarke's writing since I first picked up Jonathan Strange, and when I first heard this book was coming out, I was suddenly aware that I hadn't heard about her in a long while! Some Googling revealed that she'd been suffering from severe health issues for years now, and this book was the result of more years of hardship than I could fathom. I preordered it immediately, and read it the moment it arrived.

Wow. So different, so quiet, and so, so good.

I've read plenty of reviews that disparage the book (usually because they felt the plot was thin or easily deduced, or because the narration was too simple or unrelatable), but I enjoyed the hell out of it. I was surprised when reveals came, I was drawn into the narration and worldbuilding, and I found the narrator endearing, if a bit alien in perspective. …

Unfolding into the (Un)known

5 žvaigždutės

I didn't know what to expect coming into this and I firmly recommend trying to go in with as little knowledge as you possibly can. The unfolding that occurs throughout the narrative was the payoff, the end just another event along a wave of experience.

A library book that has inevitably made it to my own collection, amongst the shelf of favorites that are destined to be reread over and over again.

A superb and origianl work of fantasy

5 žvaigždutės

It's hard to describe the setting and the feelings this novel evokes because it's so original. It's like looking at a painting by Giorgio de Chirico, with its mysterious, unnerving ancient buildings looming in the background, casting imposing shadows across a sunset landsacpe. You crane your neck to see what is beyond the edge of the frame. What else is in this strange, surreal world? But you are limited by what the painting can show you.

De Chirico was my frame of reference, but the book was inspired by another artist I was unfamiliar with, and his name was also Piranesi. In Clarke's novel, the path between our reality and the surreal world is opened, for a moment. It's like a waking dream.

Those who would deny reality are the villains, yet the beauty of the dream world remains. Somehow we wish we could be the Piranesi at the start …

Splendid tale, in a symbolic setting which is strikingly and evocatively minimal.

4 žvaigždutės

Įspėjimas dėl turinio Minor spoiler, which reveals a mid-book event which is very different in setting than the consistency of the opening chapters might suggest.

Wonder, unfolding

5 žvaigždutės

This is one of those "sense of wonder turned to 11" books for me. A great story that unfolds beautifully in the moment, and also makes you continually re-evaluate what you've read along the way.

The book's description mentions "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" and "Circe" as reference points. While those feel fair, I found myself thinking more about Patrick Rothfuss's "The Slow Regard of Silent Things" and M.R. Carey's Rampart Trilogy ("The Book of Koli", etc). There's a certain feeling I don't have the words to describe, but which feels shared among those books. "Reverence for the mundane" isn't quite it, but maybe close.

I had passed over "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell" despite many recommendations, and now I feel compelled to revisit that!

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke

5 žvaigždutės

This is one of those books that's unlike any other. It's surreal and dreamy and the sheer "what the heck's going on?" factor compelled me to read it all in one day.

A novel like this - light on plot, with an extremely limited cast of characters, told in an epistolary style - really sinks or swims on the narrative voice. Luckily the titular Piranesi is fun to read, and comes across as practical and clever, curious and sweet. His ignorance is charming rather than frustrating, and of course his naivete is all part of the mystery.

Highly recommended to anyone who loves an atmospheric and/or experimental story.

Great Bedtime Story

5 žvaigždutės

Įspėjimas dėl turinio Spoilers at the bottom under a cut

Reality plus a little magic

4 žvaigždutės

I really enjoyed the book, the smaller world that the protagonist lives in is very simple and is intriguing, but not somewhere I feel I need to return to. The larger universe though is interesting, with its reality plus a little magic vibe. I enjoyed the unravelling mystery and it compelled me to read it much faster than I've read books of similar size. The first few chapters describing the House reminded me of the descriptions of The Sleeper Service in Iain M Banks' book Excession. To the point where I thought the book was going to go in a sci-fi direction.

apžvelgė Piranesi

slow to start, but it does get very good

5 žvaigždutės

I found this book a bit slow for the first 50–60 pages, which are spent mostly describing the World without much of any sort of Plot happening. It only really begins to pick up around Part 3, when the mystery inherent to the setting starts to unravel, all through the eyes of a narrator not so much unreliable as naïve and lacking in knowledge, which makes him unable to understand things which are clear to the reader. It's the sort of book where it's worth reading (or at least skimming) the first few parts again to see what you missed the first read through.

Most likely the best book I'll read this year

5 žvaigždutės

As the title says, this will likely be the best book I'll read all year. It certainly was better than every book I read last year. I started the book yesterday evening and have basically spent my every waking moment since then reading it. I strongly recommend anyone who enjoys reading to pick this one up. It will be worth it.

I will not say anything on what it is actually about. The less you know, the more you will enjoy the book. Not really because of twists and turns but rather because you will see an astounding world laid out from the perspective of a very interesting main character.

The main thing this book reminded me of was the books I read in German class in my two last years at school. This is a very good thing (German was my favorite class). The book is fairly short and …

A beautiful book that quiets and comforts my mind

5 žvaigždutės

If we were born in another world what form would the shadows cast upon the walls of our cave take? What mythologies and art would inform our identity? What are the limits that malicious people have to do harm through warping and confining our realities? How does the society around me shape the person I am at any given time?

Piranesi explores these questions in a labyrinth of an endless house full of statues that is flooded by the sea. The answers are in the faces of our neighbors and in the hushing pose of the faun.

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