Dawn of Everything

A New History of Humanity

Nėra viršelio

David Wengrow, David Graeber: Dawn of Everything (2021, Farrar, Straus & Giroux)

704 psl.

English kalba

Publikuota 2021 m. spalio 19 d., Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

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2 žvaigždutės (2 atsiliepimai)

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apžvelgė autoriaus David Graeber knygą The Dawn of Everything

Another propaganda

1 žvaigždutė

There are several flaws in this book. We already know this. The theory Graeber and Wengrow put forward has been in vogue for nearly half a century. It's not new and it even is cliched. No one really thinks the analytic constructs of the theories of the State correspond to actual historical truth, not even the original theorizers thought like that. Its influence is another thing. Speaking of influence, the authors again try to conjure up a false categorical connection between how a certain concept emerged, and whether this concept is really in the object that those made heavy use of it. This, coupled with a complete overlooking of medieval history and scholastic developments in the field of jurisprudence, led them to devise a totalizing narrative that while reducing the principle underlying the status quo to contingency, and simultaneously totalize the so-called freedom of the native Americans (ironically just like …

apžvelgė autoriaus David Graeber knygą The Dawn of Everything

Another slog to get through.

4 žvaigždutės

This book suffers from two things in terms of its writing and structure. First, there's Graeber's desire to compress as much information into one space as humanly possible, even to the detriment of his own argument and the discussion he wants to push people to have. The second is that it seems, if I'm reading into both authors' writing styles correctly, Wengrow's desire to flesh out those concepts with more detail to further support them. (I say that because I've checked a few of his articles, and he has a tendency to develop even more focused detail than Graeber.)

I could be wrong about who was doing what, but regardless? The end result is a book that is a slog to get through and frequently leaves me forgetting half of what I've read, going back to skim it and remind myself about what they were discussing, and then trying to …