The Long View


English language

Published May 10, 2022 by Tom Doherty Associates.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (1 review)

A university student seeks special accommodations for her new support animal, causing havoc all around her.

1 edition

A good tale that starts out funny, but then turns grim (but hopeful) as reality sets in

4 stars

This is one of those good tales that starts out funny, but then turns grim and serious, but hopeful, towards the end. In the story, the student body administrator has to deal with handling various student 'emotional support animal' issues (like: are pigs allowed to wallow?). But one student, who claims to have various other issues like ADHD, etc. shows up with a request (actually no: a DEMAND) to be allowed an unusual supernatural support animal that she has somehow restrained using witchcraft.

This humorous situation turns grim when those involved (except the student) realize the animal is intelligent and is suffering due to the restraining spell. But attempts to get the student to let it go only escalate the crisis that can only be resolved by making the student face the truth about herself. Fortunately, that would also involve the university taking the long view about what the student …