Comunalismo, Internet, Cultura Libre Viešas

Sukūrė Jectoons

  1. Think like a Commoner 

    5 žvaigždutės

    A new world based on fairness, participation, accountability is closer than you think if you learn to think like a …

  2. Copyright y Copyleft  (Cuadernos de Derecho, Política y Sociedad, #8)

    4 žvaigždutės

    El conocimiento es uno de los valores determinantes en las sociedades modernas. El acceso al mismo y las posibilidades de …

  3. Free Culture 

    Įvertinimų nėra

    Lessig details the history of copyright law as it pertains to digital media, how it has affected creativity and expression …

  4. Chokepoint Capitalism ,

    5 žvaigždutės

    A call to action for the creative class and labor movement to rally against the power of Big Tech and …

  5. The Compassionate Imagination 

    2 žvaigždutės

    A radical reimagining of the role of art and culture in contemporary democracy, The Compassionate Imagination proposes a new Canadian …

    Jectoons sako:

    No es "excelente" pero tampoco es de lo peor. Se encoge de hombros

  6. No Logo 

    4 žvaigždutės

  7. The Public Domain Review , , , ir 22 kiti (The Public Domain Review Selected Essays, #1)

    4 žvaigždutės

    Volcanoes, coffee, talking trees, pigs on trial, painted smiles, lost Edens, the social life of geometry, a cat called Jeoffry, …

  8. Stop, thief! 

    3 žvaigždutės

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