Gykizmas Viešas

Sukūrė Skaitanti Mėsa

  1. The art of capacity planning 

    Įvertinimų nėra

    In their early days, Twitter, Flickr, Etsy, and many other companies experienced sudden spikes in activity that took their web …

  2. Bullseye Breach 

    Įvertinimų nėra

    Minnesota IT contractor, Jerry Barkley keeps warning businesses that internet attackers want to plunder them by stealing their customers' identities. …

  3. Kill It with Fire 

    Įvertinimų nėra

    “Kill it with fire,” the typical first reaction to a legacy system falling into obsolescence, is a knee-jerk approach that …

  4. La cattedrale e il bazaar 

    4 žvaigždutės

    Un documento di tipo manifesto sviluppato da Eric S. Raymond nel 1.998 per cercare di spiegare dalla sua prospettiva ed …

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