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Prisijungė prieš 3 years,2 months

Paprastasis antakalnietis, didelis Pelevino, Sorokino ir Murakamio fanas.

Ši nuoroda atsidaro kitame langelyje

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Thomas Nagel, Adriel Brandt: What does it all mean? (AudiobookFormat, 2021, Upfront Books) 5 žvaigždutės

In this cogent and accessible introduction to philosophy, the distinguished author of Mortal Questions and …

Good overview and starting questions for n00b philosopher like me

5 žvaigždutės

If I have read this book earlier - would have saved lost of time while thinking stoned and could have just enjoyed the scenery better.

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apžvelgė autoriaus Angela Saini knygą Superior

Angela Saini: Superior (2020, Beacon Press) 5 žvaigždutės

Superior tells the disturbing story of the persistent thread of belief in biological racial differences …

10/10 Don't Reccommend

5 žvaigždutės

It is my hope that you will never have to read this book, because the subject matter that it deals with is truly vile. However, sometimes you have to be around that one person who keeps suggesting that there's an essential difference between races. That is when you break out this book. This book clearly and methodically outlines the history of racism as well of the (lack of ) science surrounding race and genetics. It is a great guide not for debunking racists because racists tend not to care about facts, but for demonstrating the unreasonableness of it to others.