Skaitanti Mėsa pradėjo skaityti William Gibson knygą Count Zero (Sprawl, #2)
Count Zero (Sprawl, #2) William Gibson
Count Zero is a science fiction novel by American-Canadian writer William Gibson, originally published in 1986. It is the second …
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Count Zero is a science fiction novel by American-Canadian writer William Gibson, originally published in 1986. It is the second …
"...a bizarre Internet phenomenon: an "immersive" online experience-part mystery, part game, part who knows what-known as both the Incunabula Papers …
Tai buvo nuostabūs, bet žiaurūs laikai, kada psioninės žmogaus smegenų galios apsukriems vertelgoms sukraudavo pasakiškus turtus. Atsirado ir specialios firmos, …
Tai buvo nuostabūs, bet žiaurūs laikai, kada psioninės žmogaus smegenų galios apsukriems vertelgoms sukraudavo pasakiškus turtus. Atsirado ir specialios firmos, …
Managing people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the …
@RGB nea, jis tik kopijuoja tą satanistą kartais (jo fanas). Turbūt apie Alisterį Kraulį šneki.
I wrote this book as an introduction to Bob Wilson's books.
Managing people is difficult wherever you work. But in the tech industry, where management is also a technical discipline, the …
I enjoyed reading this book and found it to be a helpful resource on systems engineering and management. The book offers a clear and concise overview of systems engineering and management principles, and provides helpful real-world examples to illustrate key concepts. This book would be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about these topics.
A human-centric guide to solving complex problems in engineering management, from sizing teams to handling technical debt.
There’s a saying …
The Tao of Physics is a book about the relationship between physics and spirituality.
The book explores the parallels between …