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Skaitanti Mėsa

Prisijungė prieš 3 years,4 months

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2025 skaitymo tikslas

4% baigta! Skaitanti Mėsa perskaitė 1 iš 23 knygų.

avatar for athinkingmeat Skaitanti Mėsa iškėlė
Stephen Budiansky: Journey to the Edge of Reason (Paperback, 2022, W. W. Norton & Company) 5 žvaigždutės

Nearly a hundred years after its publication, Kurt Gödel's famous proof that every mathematical system …

The laboriousness of the methodology and notation was all too evident in the (often remarked) fact that it took more than seven hundred pages to reach the conclusion, “1 + 1 = 2”, a result which Russell and Whitehead described as “occasionally useful“.

Journey to the Edge of Reason 

avatar for athinkingmeat Skaitanti Mėsa iškėlė
Douglas Rushkoff, Douglas Rushkoff: Survival of the Richest (2022, Norton & Company Limited, W. W.) 4 žvaigždutės

Named One of the Most Anticipated Books of 2022 by Kirkus and Literary Hub

The …

Tasty chronicle

5 žvaigždutės

(em português → )

The attitudes of techno-billionaires are rather indigestible, but they have made for a tasty non-fiction book in Douglas Rushkoff's chronicle: "Survival of the Richest" (2023). Rushkoff is an influential countercultural author in the field of technology. He reflects on the mentality of the current generation of plutocrats who plan to walk around immune to the planetary destruction they cause. Although the book's subtitle is "Escape fantasies of tech billionaires", it's not just about the hope of escaping to Mars or "evolving" into an immortal digitised consciousness. A central theme is an ideology that the author has baptised "The Mindset", a common denominator in the attitude of these billionaires of the digital age. As the book is practically entirely about this, it's not easy to summarise the concept. But The Mindset is a kind of supremacism, a sense of superiority based on wealth, power and technology, …

Robert M. Pirsig: Lila (1991, Bantam Books) 5 žvaigždutės

Sequel to the wildly popular Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Pirsig expands on …

Interesting and I would dare to say - an important Quest

5 žvaigždutės

It is a book that I will remember for a long time.

I have read another book by Robert M. Pirsig when I was about 19 years old by chance - it was left in the book exchange in the hostel I was working at - I had no idea what Zen was and some idea about what a motorcycle was. The understanding on how motorcycle works is not progressed till this time.

Lila: an inquiry into morals is continuation though set and patterns that was captivating and refreshing while I was reading it and will stay with me for some time for sure.

Robert M. Pirsig: Lila (1991, Bantam Books) 5 žvaigždutės

Sequel to the wildly popular Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Pirsig expands on …

It is a book that I will remember for a long time.

I have read another book by Robert M. Pirsig when I was about 19 years old by chance - it was left in the book exchange in the hostel I was working at - I had no idea what Zen was and some idea about what a motorcycle was. The understanding on how motorcycle works is not progressed till this time.

Lila: an inquiry into morals is continuation though set and patterns that was captivating and refreshing while I was reading it and will stay with me for some time for sure.