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Skaitanti Mėsa

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2025 skaitymo tikslas

4% baigta! Skaitanti Mėsa perskaitė 1 iš 23 knygų.

avatar for athinkingmeat Skaitanti Mėsa iškėlė
Isaac Asimov: Foundation and Earth (The Isaac Asimov Collection Edition) (1986, Doubleday) 5 žvaigždutės

Golan Trevize, Janov Pelorat, Bliss go looking for earth.

Many questions answered

5 žvaigždutės

A good read, and apart from the 3 laws for robots, I now realise there was also a 4th law: Zeroth Law is: ‘A robot may not injure humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.’ This automatically means that the First Law must be modified to be: ‘A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm, except where that would conflict with the Zeroth Law.’ And similar modifications must be made in the Second and Third Laws.” But this book also answered many questions and also revealed a plan that is older than Seldon’s Plan…

avatar for athinkingmeat Skaitanti Mėsa iškėlė
Donella H. Meadows, Diana Wright: Thinking in Systems (2008) 5 žvaigždutės

Meadows’ Thinking in Systems, is a concise and crucial book offering insight for problem …

so appreciative of this book

4 žvaigždutės

This book is used in a few different classes at mpow, and I’m glad it is. I’m giving a talk on Monday about how leaders are catalysts for change, and I am going to be meditating on a few of the ideas presented here - in particular, the need to break out of our positionality & perspective to change things in a non-destructive manner. It’s very prescient of the time we’re in now, and sad to think about how its warnings have been unheeded by engineers & technologists at a point where we’re more reliant on & worshipping of shitty models than ever.

Eric S. Raymond: La cattedrale e il bazaar (Paperback, Italiano language, 2022, Apogeo) 4 žvaigždutės

Un documento di tipo manifesto sviluppato da Eric S. Raymond nel 1.998 per cercare di …