Continuation of infinity - nice take on infinite questions, easy story and fast pacing action - had a great listen while walking the dog.
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Skaitanti Mėsa – knygos
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65% baigta! Skaitanti Mėsa perskaitė 15 iš 23 knygų.
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Skaitanti Mėsa apžvelgė autoriaus Jeremy Robinson knygą Infinite2
Skaitanti Mėsa pradėjo skaityti Black Elk knygą Black Elk speaks
Skaitanti Mėsa atsakė į statusą pradžia kažkaip visai siejas su GPT ;)
Skaitanti Mėsa pradėjo skaityti Viktor Olegovich Pelevin knygą iPhuck 10
iPhuck 10 Viktor Olegovich Pelevin
„iPhuck 10“ – brangiausias rinkoje meilės įrenginys ir drauge žinomiausio iš 244-ių Porfirijaus Petrovičiaus detektyvinių romanų pavadinimas.
Aš turiu vardą, …
Skaitanti Mėsa nori perskaityti Ričardas Gavelis knygą Vilniaus pokeris
Skaitanti Mėsa nori perskaityti Nėrius Pečiūra knygą Vilniaus kiberpoema
Vilniaus kiberpoema Nėrius Pečiūra
Populiaraus roko muzikos atlikėjo, pravarde Atsuktuvas, romaną „Vilniaus kiberpoema“ galima vadinti metraščiu - papasakota, kaip ir kuo gyvena tam tikra …
Skaitanti Mėsa pradėjo skaityti Jeremy Robinson knygą Infinite2
Skaitanti Mėsa pabaigė skaityti Robert Anton Wilson knygą The Eye in the Pyramid (Illuminatus!, #1)
The Eye in the Pyramid Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea, Ken Campbell (Narrator), ir 1 kitas (Illuminatus!, #1)
"It was the year when they finally immanentized the Eschaton". So begins this original trilogy of conspiracies, Illuminatus!. For the …
Skaitanti Mėsa nori perskaityti Danilo Kiš knygą Boriso Davidovičiaus kapas
Boriso Davidovičiaus kapas Danilo Kiš, Laima Masytė
Intelektualiosios prozos genijus, pralenkęs laiką postmodernių stilių įvairove. Tėvynėje apkaltintas plagiatu, pripažinimo sulaukė Vakaruose. Nominuotas Nobelio literatūros premijai, negavo jos …
Skaitanti Mėsa nori perskaityti Caleb Scharf knygą The Ascent of Information
Skaitanti Mėsa nori perskaityti Karl Deisseroth knygą Projections
Projections Karl Deisseroth
Karl Deisseroth has spent his life pursuing truths about the human mind, both as a renowned clinical psychiatrist and as …
Fionnáin apžvelgė autoriaus Ruth Catlow knygą Radical Friends
Multifaceted ideas on distributed leadership
5 žvaigždutės
This is a very exciting tome. It is about 'Distributed Autonomous Organisations' (DAOs) in the arts. DAOs are essentially a method of leadership of organisations with distributed leadership among members, often using technologies like blockchain to help decision-making. The book has so many ways to be used that it's hard to know how to describe or review it. It is simultaneously an artwork about distributed leadership, a guide to establishing and running DAOs, a philosophical and theoretical exploration of radical friendships, a documentation of existing projects and a more-than-human object that speaks beyond itself. It is really wonderful.
Radical Friends is divided into essays, artworks, conversations and other short sections. It is wonderfully edited and laid out, and is very beautiful throughout – the tarot card deck Hexen 2.0 by Suzanne Treister divides the book sections, and other artistic and aesthetic/design choices are perfect.
Naturally, with so many voices in …
This is a very exciting tome. It is about 'Distributed Autonomous Organisations' (DAOs) in the arts. DAOs are essentially a method of leadership of organisations with distributed leadership among members, often using technologies like blockchain to help decision-making. The book has so many ways to be used that it's hard to know how to describe or review it. It is simultaneously an artwork about distributed leadership, a guide to establishing and running DAOs, a philosophical and theoretical exploration of radical friendships, a documentation of existing projects and a more-than-human object that speaks beyond itself. It is really wonderful.
Radical Friends is divided into essays, artworks, conversations and other short sections. It is wonderfully edited and laid out, and is very beautiful throughout – the tarot card deck Hexen 2.0 by Suzanne Treister divides the book sections, and other artistic and aesthetic/design choices are perfect.
Naturally, with so many voices in many chapters, there are things that I didn't agree with or didn't particularly enjoy, including a very blithe conversation featuring an NFT artist, but as an object the book is magnificent and a great achievement for the editors Ruth Catlow and Penny Rafferty. Hard to pick a highlight, but Rafferty's own essay The Reappropriation of Life and Living is extraordinary, as is Cassie Thornton's contribution.
Skaitanti Mėsa atsakė į statusą
Skaitanti Mėsa atsakė į statusą na gerai, įdomi knyga ir istorija ;) jei mokykloj būtų tokie įvykiai - reikėtų tapti biochemiku. šiaip tas genų redagavimas - ganėtinai visiems prieinamas reikalas, ten taip paprastai sugalvojo padaryt, kad įrangą galima online nusipirkti už paprastiems mirtingiesiems įkandamą sumą.