Skaitanti Mėsa įvertino The colour of magic: 4 žvaigždutės
The colour of magic Pu lai qi (Pratchett, Terry) (Discworld, #1)
The Colour of Magic is a 1983 fantasy comedy novel by Terry Pratchett, and is the first book of the …
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The Colour of Magic is a 1983 fantasy comedy novel by Terry Pratchett, and is the first book of the …
In his book, The Innovator's Dilemma [3], Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School describes a theory about how large, …
In his book, The Innovator's Dilemma [3], Professor Clayton Christensen of Harvard Business School describes a theory about how large, …
Майя Кучерская — прозаик, литературный критик, филолог, профессор Высшей школы экономики, основатель школы писательского мастерства “Creative Writing School”. Автор романов …
Garsiausias visų laikų brazilų ir vienas skaitomiausių pasaulio rašytojų Paulo Coelho yra išleidęs 26 knygas, tarp kurių – asmeninių potyrių …
Meditate for an hour in the morning and for an hour in the evening. Don't read pulp fiction. Nice summary for the doctrine, but somehow listens like a lesson in Victorian boarding school.
Probably would have been a good self-help book before Covid, when you had time to apply it.
Albert'o Camus romanas „Svetimas“ (1942) rašytojui pelnė pasaulinį pripažinimą. Pagrindinio veikėjo Merso santykis su supančiu pasauliu pažeidžia visuomenės taisykles ir …