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apžvelgė autoriaus TERJE B. ENGLUND knygą The Czechs in a Nutshell

TERJE B. ENGLUND: The Czechs in a Nutshell (Paperback) 5 žvaigždutės

Why do Czech men love sandals and white socks, and why do Czech women practice …

Read it if you are remotely related to the Czech Republic

5 žvaigždutės

If you're looking for a light-hearted and humorous take on Czech culture, then Terje B. Englund's The Czechs in a Nutshell is the book for you. Englund, a Norwegian journalist who has lived in the Czech Republic for many years, pokes fun at many of the quirks and customs of his adopted countrymen in a way that is both affectionate and good-natured.

While some stereotypes Englund perpetuates may be familiar to those who have already visited the Czech Republic, others are more original, and all of them are presented in a way that is sure to make readers laugh. In addition to providing plenty of amusement, The Czechs in a Nutshell also offers a glimpse into the day-to-day reality of life in the Czech Republic, making it an enjoyable and informative read for anyone interested in the country.

Bruce Sterling, Pavi Proczko: Schismatrix Plus (AudiobookFormat, 2021, Brilliance Audio) 5 žvaigždutės

In the last decade, Sterling has emerged a pioneer of crucial, cutting-edge science fiction. Now …


5 žvaigždutės

Science fiction author Bruce Sterling's Schismatrix Plus is a collection of stories that explore the future of humanity. Sterling paints a picture of a future where humanity has left Earth behind and now lives in space. The stories follow the lives of people who are living in this future and how they are dealing with the changes that have happened to humanity.

The stories in this collection are well written and offer a look at a future that is both exciting and scary. Sterling does a good job of showing how humanity might adapt to living in space and the changes that would happen to us as a result. The stories are also thought-provoking and offer food for thought on what the future might hold for humanity.

Overall, Schismatrix Plus is an excellent collection of stories that offer a glimpse into a future that is both fascinating and frightening. Bruce …

apžvelgė autoriaus Rimantas Kmita knygą Pietinia kronikas

Rimantas Kmita: Pietinia kronikas (Hardcover, 2015, Tyto alba) 5 žvaigždutės

Šiauliai. Vieno vaikino istorija iškart po nepriklausomybės. Kožos ir treningai, meilė ir pinigai, laukinis kapitalizmas …

Gerai rezonavo

5 žvaigždutės

Labai surezonavo knyga, kaip sako jaunimas - relatable. Skaitant mintyse taip ir mačiau savo paauglystę, nors ir negyvenau Šiauliuose.

Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, Alan Eagle: Trillion Dollar Coach (Hardcover, 2019, HarperBusiness) 4 žvaigždutės

Read this book if you want to play a management game

4 žvaigždutės

Any aspiring leader should read this book at least once. The main points are:

  1. Some ideas are very tempting: be human.
  2. Swearing a lot helps.
  3. Drink beer.

In some way reading this book I could not believe that such people exist, are valued and are not a myth. The people who created this book have succeeded in creating a credible and successful business model that is based on real life stories. Moreover, the great thing about the book is that it is not a secret club for the chosen ones only and for anybody who wants to succeed can follow the steps outlined in the book. It doesn’t matter what industry or sector you are involved in, there are valuable lessons to be learned from the book, with no need for any MBA. It is exactly the type of books that demonstrate the importance of a good leadership and explain …

apžvelgė autoriaus Brad Stone knygą The Upstarts

Brad Stone: The Upstarts (AudiobookFormat, 2017, Little, Brown & Company) 4 žvaigždutės

Ten years ago, the idea of getting into a stranger’s car, or walking into a …

Interesting book that made me angry

4 žvaigždutės

I have recently finished this book, and it made me angry somehow. Everything is connected in Silicon Valley, and nobody knows what to do when shit happens. It's like a machine that keeps going and going without anyone knowing how to stop it. All the young blood turns into old blood and the cycle starts again.

This book is about a bunch of young people who move to Silicon Valley and start their own companies. Some fail and some succeed, but all of them are changing the world in one way or another.

A lot of help and struggles come from right connections, be it a status quo challenges or old farts that do not want "the progress". All of them are protecting their pals, and it's really frustrating because we lose more and more freedoms, and we are protected from the wrong influences.

The book talks about three main …

Eva Tombak: Ar čia kas nors yra? (Paperback, Lietuvių language, E. Tombak) 4 žvaigždutės

“Ar čia kas nors yra?” – tai dokumentinis tyrimas mokslo ir dvasingumo, mistinių reiškinių tema. …

Smagu, kad atsiranda tokius reiškinius nagrinėjantys žmonės Lietuvoje ir lietuviškai

4 žvaigždutės

Yra įdomių pasakojimų, interpretacijų ir atsakymų į klausimus, kurie rūpi vienu ar kitu metu daugumai žmonių. Patiko, kad dauguma žmonių galima susirasti internete ir pasigilinti į jų vykdomas veiklas ir projektus. Skaitant pagalvojau, kad prieš kreipiantis pas specialistus - jie turėtų pasidalinti savo požiūriu į knygoje nagrinėjamas temas, nes kartais atrodė, kad vartotikai blaivesnio proto ir požiūrio į gyvenimą, nei sielos gydytojai. Na, bet yra ir žmonių, kurie bent iš šnekos pasirodė tikri mokslo atstovai, kurie gavę naujų įrodymų - keičia ir savo požiūrį - tokiems žmonėms visada pagarba.